Our Ultimate Mailbox Guide to Help You Find the Perfect One


There are many things you can do to improve the aesthetics of your home. Some homeowners will get their facade repainted or their windows upgraded. Others will improve their garden or install elements, such as magnetic house numbers or address plaques. But for some homeowners, installing a mailbox is one of the best ways to improve their home's aesthetics because it's both attractive and functional.

Some homeowners have no idea how to purchase the right mailbox. This is primarily because they don't see the need to install the right mailbox because it may have already come with the home. But if you're thinking of giving your home's front a bit of a makeover, consider installing a new one.

If you're considering replacing your current mailbox or if you want to mount a new one, keep reading. Let's begin!

Two types of mailboxes

Before finding a mailbox for your home, you should know that there are two types of USPS approved mailboxes: post-mount, also known as roadside or curbside mailboxes, and wall-mount mailboxes, which are attached to the wall.

Post-mount mailbox

A common type of mailbox that you'll find in most homes are post-mounted mailboxes. This popular mailbox comes in different sets and designs, from simple modern to extravagant Victorian pedestal mailboxes, depending on the homeowner's preference. All of them come with a mail slot to receive incoming mail.

Standard post-mounted mailboxes come in either black or white on a single 4x4 inch post, and you can choose from three box sizes: a standard T1 size, a large (T2), or an extra-large (T3).

However, you should know that the post-mount mailbox isn't too aesthetically pleasing on its own, but you can easily fix it up by adding a small flower bed around the area or using a mailbox cover.

A post-mount mailbox set would usually include a mailbox and the mounting post, which will require some assembly. Fortunately, this type of mailbox is quite easy to install, so you won't have to spend the whole day trying to mount it.

Wall-mount mailbox

Wall-mount mailboxes come in various shapes, sizes, and styles. Because of this, it may be the perfect option for you because it'll be easier to find one that suits your style and preference.

These mailboxes are usually installed by the front entry of your home. And if you install magnetic home numbers close to your mailbox, your house will be much easier to locate.

Manufacturers of wall-mount mailboxes use incredibly durable plastics, metals, or steel to help them withstand environmental factors and occasional wear and tear, making it a cost-efficient choice.

However, unlike a post-mount mailbox, installing wall-mount mailboxes will require a drill, anchors, and mounting screws. This is why it is best to ask for assistance from your supplier in installing this type of mailbox to avoid any possible injury to others or your mailbox.

Mailbox accessories

Fortunately, there are different ways to personalize your mailbox. Adding features and elements can elevate its aesthetics and functionality.

Some popular mailbox accessories that improve its functions are newspaper holders, address plaques, and outgoing mail flags. Besides that, some homeowners also include extra security by installing a locking mechanism on their boxes to prevent mail theft. Locks are common for shared mailboxes, which may have space for several users' mail delivery. You can also consider a PO box, which features parcel lockers for packages shipped worldwide, without giving out your address to strangers.

People think there isn't much you can do with mailboxes to inject in some style, but this is false. Your mailbox can reflect your home's style, and by choosing the right elements and components, you'll make your mailbox look attractive and help it stand out in the street.


Now that you know the two main types of mailboxes and the different accessories to incorporate to elevate its look, it's time to think about your style and figure out which type best suits your personality. So, keep this information in mind and find the right accessories, such as an address plaque; you'll impress every neighbor, mailman, and guest who sees your mailbox!

Do you want to make your curb look more appealing? Check out Modern Aspect. We offer high-quality products, such as wall-mounted mailboxes, house number planters, post mounted mailboxes, magnetic house numbers, and more. Check out our products today!

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